Tag Archives: unconstitutional

CPS Workers Admit to Falsifying Documents

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Filed under abuse, CASA, corrupt, DCFS, DHHS, DHS, economic, finances, foster child, foster home, Government, illegal, legal, lies, local government, money, news, Social Services, Social Worker, stories, Uncategorized, unconstitutional

Government Kidnaps Your Children for Money

This is only ONE story of the horrors families and children all over are facing each day. In Orange County California alone, over 3000 children are taken each month. I’ve been told that number is conservative, and is more like 4700, though I haven’t verified that as of yet.
I was also told by a CPS (Social Worker) that over 50% of the children come from average, good homes. That means these children could be yours. At the rate this is happening… It is only a matter of time, and it will be your child too. Imagine for one moment, your child being traumatized, kidnapped by strangers, not being able to call you, then being told YOU did something wrong and are “UNABLE TO CARE FOR THEM”.
I will tell more about how this happens in a later blog.
This CAN happen to you.. No one is immune!



Filed under abuse, adopted, adoption, ammendment, arrested, care, CASA, child, child abuse, children, corrupt, CPS, dads, DCFS, DHHS, DHS, economic, finances, foster, foster child, foster home, Foundation, Government, illegal, journalist, judges, kidnapped, kids, killed, killing, law, lawful, legal, lies, local government, moms, money, neglect, neighbor, news, parents, pedifile, report, scared, sexual abuse, Social Services, Social Worker, stolen, terrorists, trauma, traumatized, unconstitutional, United Way