
Sandra Ami

(New phone number to be announced soon)

You can leave me a personal message here, I frequently check. I will not publish them if you request not to.

Or you can reach me on facebook:

28 responses to “Contact

  1. Dear friends,
    We are in process of collecting as many signatures as possible to push a Ballot Initiative into a Bill.
    We demand for DHS and CPS reform. Your signature will mean one more reason for the Senator to sponsor this Initiative into a Bill.
    Please sign the petition at:
    Tell all of your friends and families to join our battle against Government’s sponsored psychological terrorism against parents. Help spread the word.

  2. michelle

    it is a shame that they have the power over the public like this, or that “they” are what replaced the “baby farmers “, look up baby farmers, I am not kidding I saw a history show on the subject, its what inacted the fostercare system of today

  3. please all good parents stand up against these evil doers=CPS, juvenile courts. my family was destroyed to death. judge marci l goodman, lisa howey rigby destroyed my family til my sons mothers death. they are force drugging our children! = a ruthless DJO in clayton, mo sarah renschen. they are creating new generations of disturbed children! my family is a victim. its time we take all these evil peoples pictures, & post them up on a wanted list like the killers they are!

  4. amiablyme

    I received your message on my website, you can reach me on Facebook my name is Sandra Ami, leave me your phone number and I will call you.

  5. amiablyme

    I received your message on my website, you can contact me through facebook my name is Sandra Ami. Leave me your phone number and I will call you.

  6. Katie

    hello, i am in a huge case with the CPS office. my son was hurt really bad by apprently his dad and his dad is currently incarcerated and will be for a long time. my son was in the hospital for a month and i stayed with him everyday. i was unfounded of no abuse what so ever i was will my son who is 6 months old his entire life. and i have been doing everything to get my son back. but he is in foster care. i am in school for MT so i can work from home becuase he is medically fragile now. i dont do drugs, i pay the bills one way or another. im scared and i want my sone back. they said because i am so emtional about everything that i need to go to counseling becuas they think that i dont think his dad did this…please someone help me. every second away from him is a life time. they also dont want to give him to me becuase of the damn media and they dont want to look bad….

  7. amiablyme

    April, did you ever get any more statistics for Georgia? I’m sure Nancy Schaefer has them, if you are able to get a hold of her or her office.
    I would like you to send me a message back, I’d like to have you speak on my upcoming Radio Show, you can remain anonymous if you like. Contact me.

  8. Martha Giffin

    I am curious, anyone have any information on CPS workers and their indiscretions in Indiana. I am currently charged with a frivilous and outlandish accusations and I live in another state. So I am curious…

  9. April

    Also i did a little research on Chattooga county and the rate they investigate abuse/neglect accusations. THis is what i found out:
    Substantiated child abuse/neglect cases in 2006 237. (this is a very small county by the way)
    Abuse out of the 237- 27
    Neglect out of the 237=210
    Reunified Families= 3

    Isnt this outrageous!! ONLY 3 children were returned to their families out of 237 children stolen from their homes!
    They make up 16.1% of the children taken in Georgia in 2006.
    I couldnt find any up-to-date information about Chattooga County. But i will be on the look out and let you guys know.

  10. April

    The place was Chattooga County Ga, (city of Summerville) The DFCS workers names were Patsy Vineyard and Kim Ballard. They are both still there and Kim Ballard has actually been promoted. I know this because i have been trying for the past few months to get my case file. And Kim Ballard will not even return my 50+ phone calls. The Judge was Judge Westbrook for juvenile court. He was the one that refused me legal counsel. He actually told me” If i do it for you then i would have to do it for everyone”…He violated my civil rights in saying this to me!! The Superior court judge was Kristina Cook Connelly-Graham. Her father is a very powerful attorney here. She is actually in trouble with the GBI right now. But we do believe that she was paid off by my father. She actually allowed testimony that was proven to be purgery. I am going back to court again in the next few weeks after hiring another lawyer. I do not have the money to spend on more things that he has said we need. So like i said if anyone knows of anyone that can help me win this case i would so greatly appreciate it.

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