
Sandra Ami

(New phone number to be announced soon)

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28 responses to “Contact

  1. amiablyme

    Publish names.. dates.. and the where abouts.. Everyone should start giving the names of the Kidnappers.. they are hiding behind their secrecy.. the fact that they have made parents afraid to speak.. I’m done with the zipper lips!

  2. April

    I have read this website for the past couple of hours. And i have been about in tears the entire time. Mainly because i am one of those victims of DFCS. They took my daughters almost 7 years ago. They awarded custody to my estranged father and then told him i did things to my girls that i NEVER did. So between him and DFCS i have not been allowed to see my daughters. When we was going through the court process the worker told the judge my house was nasty and had old food laying all over the place and that i have beating my girls. Once i told DFCS to stay off my property or i would have them arrested for tresspassing, they came back the next day with a detective stating they had a report that my daughter had burns on her arms and the detective needed to look at her. There were NO marks on her. The detectives report that i am apparently not allowed to have along with not being allowed to see my DFCS file was never brought up in court. Because he found NO signs of abuse. The only reason DFCS was in my life is because my ex husband and i had split up and i needed public assistance. They opened a case on me because i did not have a job. I owned my home and just needed a little help with buying groceries. When my girls were taken from my in a hearing i was not aware of the actually caught me coming out of Walmart from buying them new shoes, and took my kids. i have seen them 2 times since then and not at all in the past 6 1/2 years. After my kids were taken i entered a bad depression. I started using and abusing drugs. Looking back i had given up. I believe i was actually trying to kill myself. I lost my home and had nowhere to live. Then i was arrested and spent some time in jail. I got out and have been clean and sober for the past 5 1/2 years. I am now remarried and have a 3 year old son. And DFCS has already been to my home over him. My father who has never seen my son reported my husband and i were beating him. THey came out and we got a lawyer. They havent bothered us since. But i am in a different county than i was before. Now i am in a court battle to try to see my girls. Things arent going well. I paid a lawyer almost 3,000.00 to apparently do nothing. I have had to hire the doctors to see my girls. Which my lawyer couldnt even get a court order for my father to take them to my doctor. But he released their medical records. I found out some terrifing information about my oldest. She is only 12 and has tried to commit sucicide 3 times. And she suffers from multiple personality disorder. My kids were fine when they left me. I dont know what they have done to my precious girls. My father is a very abusive man. He turned my older brother against his mother when he was growing up. I didnt meet my father till i was 13 and i lived with him for about a year when i was 15. He beat me so badly one day that i took pictures and secretly mailed them to my mother who immediatly got a court order and brought me home. My father and DFCS have really messed my girls up for life. DFCS has actually been caught in a lie in one court appearence that we had a few years ago. The worker was pissed because i reported her and the judge. The judge to the bar association. He refused to give me legal councel when by state law he was required to. The DFCS waorker has no degrees just a certificate. And she thinks she knows what is best for my child. Although she testified in court that she has no kids of her own. I feel like iam fighting a losing battle here. And if anyone knows of anyone that may be able to help me please post on this site. My doctor is saying my kids should see me. But i had to go about 75 miles from my father to find a Dr. because he has taken my girls to every doctor in his area untill he found a doctor to say what he wanted them to say about my girls. I am innocent and there is no way to prove myself innocent!! Iam terrified that i am never going to see my daughters again. My youngest (i was told) has been told that i am dead. What will she do when she finds out iam alive and have been fighting all these years to see her? What is DFCS going to think then? I know this is kind of long but i want to get my story out there. No one around here seems to care about what injustices have been done to my children and me. Anyone PLEASE help me. Iam lost without my girls. they was 3 and 5 the last time i seen them. They just turned 12 and 10 in June.

  3. amiablyme

    Richard, I’m not quite sure I understand what it is you’re saying, could you please clarify for me.

  4. Richard

    The reason this system will never change is many-fold, however some of the problem is that people victimized by the system do not trust (much less work with) those who want reform from within the system. The victims want the well-informed, social workers willing to stand up to the system to quit. And most of us do. Whom do you suppose that leaves running the system?

  5. read the book – ask us for a free copy. Half way through you can call us.

    The dark ages you describe are far beyond any bright future without mother. Tell us anybody who has the power to fight such cases – you won’t find one on this planet.

  6. Hi Sandra,

    Such good work and so true. My father fought in the second world war and awarded 7 medals. He could see the same.

  7. dear sandra, first good wishes for good work,and thanks to share good information site

    om shanti

  8. dear , i have browse this web site, its very good and informative,

    om shanti

  9. justamum

    just thought I would say hi as I know you from facebook, I am very impressed with your blog and the extensive info you display. Awareness is everything… keep up the good work as we all know the corruption within Cps/ss and the courts is on a global scale .

    p xxx

  10. Hi Sandra:
    I was very moved and intrigued by your points. I am a CPS casework that is also fed up with the system and in the process of being fired for the following article I wrote:

    I’m trying to build a network of people of like-mind in hopes of actually changing this broken system! Hope to hear from you!

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