is 90 Days enough for a Lying Social Worker Who destorys a life?

Texas: Is a 90 Day Sentence Enough for a Lying Social Worker?

On May 22, 2009 a Corpus Christi TX judge sentenced Grizelda Lopez-Hess, 38, to 90 days in jail. I wonder if she’s out yet. She plead guilty to making a false report of abuse.

According to reporter Mary Ann Cavazos, Grizelda Lopez-Hess phoned the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services on October 9 to make a false report of “indecency with a child”. She accused Ricardo Jimenez of molesting his girlfriend’s daughter, claiming she learned about the abusive situation from her daughter, a friend of the supposed child victim.

But Grizelda Lopez-Hess doesn’t even have a daughter! She made the whole thing up! And she was an investigator for the Children’s Advocacy Center – a former CPS caseworker, child-taker, and supervisor! What a manipulator!

The victim of this lie, Ricardo Jimenez, is called upon to testify as an expert witness, and this false allegation has already been brought up in criminal cases wherein he’s been asked to testify as an expert. But this was not Grizelda Lopez-Hess’ motivation for making such a sick and dreadful false accusation of child abuse.

Grizelda Lopez-Hess said she made the false accusation in retaliation against Ricardo Jimenez’ girlfriend, Misty Guajardo. Grizelda Lopez-Hess blamed Misty Guajardo for a job transfer forced on Lopez-Hess’ husband. But county officials said that the job transfer (a demotion?) was done because Grizelda Lopez-Hess and her husband did yet another dirty deed: they tipped off a suspect in a criminal case. The suspect and his family members testified that indeed they had been tipped off by Grizelda Lopez-Hess and her husband.

Grizelda Lopez-Hess plea bargained. She was to get a two year prison sentence, but that was changed to three years probation and the 90 days in jail. Plus she has to pay a fine and complete 100 hours of community service and attend anger management classes.

Hess’ husband tried to get her off easy. He testified that Grizelda Lopez-Hess would be in danger because while she was in a holding cell two fellow prisoners recognized her as a child-taking CPS agent! But she went to jail anyway and was to be isolated from the other prisoners. Solitary confinement for 90 days? I hope she’s still serving the entire 90 day sentence and that she’s had plenty of time to think about what it means to LIE and falsely accuse people of child abuse.

So there you have it, folks… the truth coming out about a really bad character that the county used against American families. The put Grizelda Lopez-Hess in a position of power and she used it to knowingly harm and harass decent people.

This is the tip of the iceberg! There are THOUSANDS of false accusations happening in this country… and it is time for all these lying idiots to get investigated, prosecuted, and IMPRISONED. Forget jail! One year isn’t enough to pay for all the massive amounts of grief they’ve caused!

Every child taken away from a parent due to a false accusation of child abuse is a child that is being abused by the government child protective services agency and its agents.

So now you have my opinion. What’s yours? What would be the proper sentence for a child protective services social worker who knowingly makes a false accusation of child abuse or neglect?

(taken from


Filed under abuse, adopted, adoption, allienation, ammendment, arrested, attorney, care, CASA, child, child abuse, children, Children Family Services, corrupt, Courts, CPS, dads, DCFS, Department of, DHHS, DHS, economic, finances, foster, Foster Care, foster child, foster home, Foundation, Government, Grants, illegal, journalist, judges, kidnapped, kids, killed, law, lawful, legal, lies, moms, money, neglect, news, Non Profit, parents, Police, Reform, Social Services, Social Worker, stolen, stories, trauma, traumatized, unconstitutional

14 responses to “is 90 Days enough for a Lying Social Worker Who destorys a life?

  1. This is a monster problem! In junior high a (“clinically normative, mentally healthy”) social worker “diagnosed” (accused) me of “mental illness” because my socks didn’t match! One was dark brown, the other black! If the “mental health” CULT can get a person for THAT, they are out of control and on Protestant witch hunts and Holy Roman Catholic inquisitions. I had a friend who struggled to support himself; I helped him with gas and groceries. His own sister, a SOCIAL WORKER, who would NOT help him, decided I was “dangerous.” How so? Ahh, she did it on the “basis” of a mere glance at me, and NO conversation! These “mental health professionals” go about like little Caesars and point their trembling, accusatory fingers, usually based on mere whim (they are in need of a POWER “fix”) and expect others to start mistreating the person they accuse, merely based on that they made an accusation! They must be EXCLUDED ENTIRELY from the court system and PREVENTED from influencing legislation anywhere!

  2. 1 of the best post i have ever read. Looking forward more from u!

  3. I am finding all of this to be true,please if anyone can help me let me know.

  4. SCOTT A.

    no way 90 years wouldnt be enough!! oh well all these evil cps kidnappers and family destruction court judges will face GOD some day. and all their secrets and lies will be brought out in the open for all to see. and then he will throw them into the lake of fire where they will burn alive 24/7 forever. not just a million or billion years no forever without end. and they will never see their loved ones or another human being ever again. so they wont get away with their evil ways forever. in fact maybe GOD will get tired of their evil ways and take their life soon.

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